Rovelizumab Overview

Rovelizumab Overview

Rovelizumab, also known as LeukArrest and Hu23F2G, is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeting at CD18. It was an experimental immunosuppressive drug developed by LCOS Corporation for the treatment of patients with hemorrhagic shock. Since 1997, rovelizumab has been explored in a variety of research projects, including phase II studies in MS patients experiencing acute exacerbations and a phase III trial for acute ischemic stroke. In addition, rovelizumab is also used in preclinical studies of cerebral vasospasm, head trauma, renal transplantation and restenosis. During testing, the number of patients in the trial was low because the drug needed to be administered within 4 hours after the injury, and the consent of the patient relatives needed to be reached as the patient himself was unconscious. In 2002, preclinical trials for cerebral vasospasm, CNS trauma, peripheral arterial occlusive disorders were discontinued, because the clinical data of the drug did not meet the expected standards.