Through innovation and evidence-based medicine, we are committed to transforming medicine and providing our patients with the highest standard of care.
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Use of endotracheal tubes with subglottic secretion drainage reduces ventilator-associated pneumonia in trauma patients
Time is now: venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in blunt splenic injury
This too shall pass: A study of ingested sharp foreign bodies
The impact of obesity on severity of solid organ injury in the adult population at a Level I trauma center
Risk factors associated with post-extubation stridor in the trauma intensive care unit
Prehospital Hypotension in Blunt Trauma: Identifying the “Crump Factor”
Predicting extubation failure in blunt trauma patients with pulmonary contusion
Post-extubation dysphagia in trauma patients: it’s hard to swallow
Percutaneous Tracheostomy: To Bronch or Not to Bronch—That Is the Question
Observation for Nonoperative Management of Blunt Liver Injuries: How Long Is Long Enough?
Novel method of delivery of continuous positive airway pressure for apnea testing during brain death evaluation
Myths and Misinformation About Gunshot Wounds may Adversely Affect Proper Treatment
Isolated Free Fluid on Abdominal Computed Tomography in Blunt Trauma: Watch and Wait or Operate?
Dual chamber cardiac rupture following blunt thoracic trauma
Current outcomes of blunt open pelvic fractures: how modern advances in trauma care may decrease mortality
Base deficit is superior to lactate in trauma
Attempting to validate the overtriage/undertriage matrix at a Level I trauma center
Atlanto-Axial Dislocation with Bilateral Vertebral Artery Transection
Asymptomatic Gunshot Wound to the Heart With Retained Intracardiac Pellet
After the embo: predicting non-hemorrhagic indications for splenectomy after angioembolization in patients with blunt trauma
Acute Ethanol Intoxication and the Trauma Patient: Hemodynamic Pitfalls
A standardized rapid sequence intubation protocol facilitates airway management in critically injured patients